How Data Segmentation Betters Your Lists’ Odds against “Inactive” Users
The constant movement of B2B professionals from field to field, and company to company makes it close to impossible to pin them down at one spot for a fixed time. As a result, your database suffers. Even after intense cleansing, a database in its entirety can never promise 100% activation. Our data scientists at Lake B2B have found a way around the problem – data segmentation.
Partitioning your client database by industry-appropriated criteria can ease prospect tracking and pluck out inactive users with targeted messaging.
Identifying & Neutralizing “Inactive” User-Clusters with Data Segmentation
Who are ‘inactives’?
Inactive contacts (or simply “inactives”) are the email addresses of people in your database who have never opened or clicked any of your emails. These people have never shown any interest towards your brand.
Let’s say you have a database which was updated earlier this year. Among them, around 30% contacts turn out to be inactive. Now – in an ideal situation – you remove the inactive set and shift your focus completely on the active user-base. It is the logical move, isn’t it?
But with the help database segmentation, your inactive user-base can also be a source of ready revenue. You still have a good chance of converting your inactives; all you need is a reactivation strategy not tried before.
How to deal with ‘inactives’?
Identify your list subjects’ nerve-points from time to time. For the already stale contacts, start over with a new relation!
Your updated KYC chart should have at least the following:
- Last Feedback to Your Services
- Old Contact Source
- New Contact Media
- Demographic (age-group, economic status etc.)
- Old and New Goals
- Current Occupation (Role, Company, Industry)
- Pain Points (any connection to old preferences?)
- Purchase Motivators (any connection to old preferences?)
Running a reactivation campaign is great where you use strong emotional words to activate them. If they still choose to ignore, then you need a plan B. Before you remove inactive users from your database, you need to put in one more effort of bringing them back.
First off, you have to move them to a separate IP address. Segmenting your active database and inactives is crucial, for chances of these emails bouncing back or settling in spam mails are high. When you segment your database and use a separate IP address, you save your active members from being affected from the responses of these inactives who can generate more spam emails.
Plan B for inactives:
Reduce the frequency of your emails. Seeing the frequent inflow of emails, many would decide to read it later. As your expectation from this group is low, you can try new tactics to convert them and generate interest from their end. This strategy is ideal to be used during the peak season.
If your data suffers from unmatched contacts, contact Lake B2B’s expert consultants now! Our landmark data segmentation process, end-to-end email marketing management and data enrichment suite enables revival of your inactive user-base in 3 simple steps!
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