Tough Teams Last, Tougher Teams Lead
Smarter than you think, Solid than ever.
The teams who face nail-biting moments every day: Sales & Marketing teams

Business Teams today are fraught with mammoth roadblocks – from growing set of market challenges, remotely operating workforce, unchartered work delegations to coaching & leadership issues, and staggered delivery of altering value propositions!
The Sales & Marketing team of business has long been reckoned as a beacon for Customer trust and retention. Organizations place revenue as the number one metric on the competent shoulders of their Sales & Marketing teams.
But, what traits can be attributed to these victorious business teams? Here goes:
#1 Confronting Lead Deficiency head-on

“63% of Sales & Marketing Teams report
Lead Generation as their top challenge”
When existing businesses and new entrants pose fierce competition – adroit Sales & Marketing teams get into strategy evaluation and team resource planning mode.
Thought Leadership is crucial for lead generation. Passionate teams understand the importance of re-strategizing their USPs as well as re-targeting their Audience to suite the contemporary context.
Also, flexing the digital marketing muscle by the creation of worthy and compelling content wins the day.
#2 Imbibing Quality Control in Lead Generation

When ‘market personas’ are in a state of flux, winning teams get busy devising innovative ‘Quality Lead Generation’ tactics to fuel Sales & Marketing cycles.
- They compare and contrast their digital marketing channel preferences.
- The teams strive to stand out of the crowd, with groundbreaking Virtual Events, Webinars and Podcast Campaigns.
#3 Demonstrating resilience to flagging Sales & Marketing Results

Far-sighted Sales & Marketing teams stage the domino effect of sustainable growth, by carving long-term mindsets. They are not bogged down by sporadic poor sales results.
- The Teams sail the rough waters by off-shooting lower-commitment ‘bite-size’ offerings.
- Also, they opt for fresh re-engagement campaigns, for past prospects.
#4 Influencing Low Hit Rate with Chutzpah

In the present-day economy, Sales & Marketing leaders have adapted themselves to be considerate, but not anxious about what customers think about their pitch. The teams don’t assume that their prospects won’t make a purchase. Instead, their trailblazing & service-oriented attitude aims to lend a superhero-like-helping-hand to their customers in business conundrums.
In a Sales Cycle, ‘Hit Rates’ can be measured for ‘Call to Meeting’ or ‘Meeting to Deal’. Super Sales teams combat low hit rates for both, with exhaustive lead scoring mechanism – segmenting hot, warm, and cold leads.
#5 Nipping Prolonged Sales & Marketing Cycles in the Bud

The TAT of Sales & Marketing cycles can be vague at times. The reasons – may be the marketing campaign was not accurately hyper-personalized, or the Sales team got refuted by the Gatekeeper itself. Solution?
- Competent teams insist on an all-providing CRM software – along with the right Campaign Management, Event Tracking, Lead Scoring, and Sales Engagement tools to get an exacting grip on their Sales & Marketing cycles.
- They equip their Sales teams with Organization Charts, LinkedIn and Social Media Connections or simply strategize to build rapport with the Gatekeepers.
#6 Tapping the Data Intelligence Mine

“Rooting Marketing & Sales Decisions in Data
improves ROI by 15-20%”
Following are some of the incisive Data Analytics strategies used by Sales & Marketing specialists:
- Examining historical transaction data
- Designing customer interviews
- Hyper Segmentation of Markets
- Focusing on low-volume accounts
- Mapping in-coming revenue to pinpointed content campaigns
- Investigating pipeline trends and bottlenecks of the Sales Funnel
- Developing Sales prediction models
#7 Prompting persuasive Upselling to Existing Customers

A great Sales leader does not upsell upfront! Instead, he listens actively to his customers and understands their pain points. Successful closure of an Upsell warrants Sales Teams to assess ways in which customers can utilize their present budget while helping them to solve their plaguing dilemmas.
Dynamic Sales & Marketing teams get together to reflect this upselling strategy in their marketing campaigns as well.
Alternatively, influential Teams also drive ‘Referral Partnerships’ as worthwhile attempts in fencing future Upselling opportunities.

“Where a good team sees a business difficulty,
a great team sees a business opportunity”
In conclusion, only probing Sales & Marketing teamwork – strengthened by acute resource-backed decisions – can vault its way through revolutionary business mazes – of today and tomorrow!