The Value of Email Marketing in the current Social Media Uprising!
Today we have billions of people hovering over multiple social media platforms. For some, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are still prominent. While some, prefer Pinterest, WhatsApp, Snapchat or LinkedIn. Whatever might be the case, the fact that the digital spectrum is constantly evolving, and with it the everyday activities of its users, is undeniable.
With the unprecedented, personalized, and multi-faceted growth in the social spectrum, the most crucial question that lingers in the marketing world is the significance of an Email in the current scenario.
Does an Email still hold value when it comes to Digital Marketing?
Well, studies suggest that at least 91% of consumers still check their emails daily. Denying social growth is foolish, but assuming email to be archaic, isn’t wise either. Emails are still considered to be the go-to strategy for a concrete and guaranteed outcome.
Customer acquisition, retention, and loyalty are the three major cornerstones of any industry or business. And to make the customers aware of your product/service/offer requires you to reach out to them. The reaching out part constitutes several variants, out of which owning the required Email List of your target audience, is a major one.
For the uninitiated –
What is an Email List?
“An email list is a directory of email data that businesses have collected from visitors/customers that would like to receive information, updates, discounts, and other details about your business in a digital format that is sent to their email inbox.”
Now, let’s shed some light on the common notion when it comes to email lists in today’s world.
It’s quite a belief nowadays that mailing lists are relics nowadays. Its existence and value are questioned hard in the sphere of Internet Marketing. With the ascendance of social media and many other forms of messaging, the email format apparently might appear outdated.
While many businesses opt for Social Media Marketing as their present strategy, email remains the most effective Online Marketing tool. It is one of the most potent and meticulously understood ‘contemporary’ forms of communication. The very same reason as to why every social platform requires you to have an email.
These businesses are fully aware of the direct and reliable approach projected by an email in getting in touch with the customers. Email sign-up is mandatory at every social media check-in stage. And this is how these businesses build their contact list and send their customers, targeted email messages, promoting their services. It’s just smart business, which helps them in business valuation.
While social media may be a considerable way to reach your audience, it’s critical to keep in viewpoint the timely behavior of these platforms.
They come and go!
MySpace, FriendFeed, Google Buzz, Orkut, etc. all are either dead now or have become irrelevant.
Email, on the other hand, is still persistent. Not only it is easy to use, but for many businesses, Email Marketing has accounted for successful online and in-store sales.
Why Email Marketing is still effective?
Email marketing has distinct advantages over other modern media (apart from still being a predominantly ‘Professional’ approach). Here’s how?

- Personal: You can reach directly to a person’s (personal) inbox. There is no ranking system restricting your reach.
- Purposeful: Sign-ups, form fill-ups, newsletter opt-ins, are all done with intent and with a purpose, signifying interest for your product/service.
- Precise: You can curate your message as per the desired audience or requirement. Email gives you the luxury to pinpoint your precise deliverable.
- Private: The message is read in the privacy of the inbox, unlike showcased publicly. Furthermore, the to and fro communication is held privately building trust and connection.
- Popular: Checking social media updates may/may not mandatory. One may grow wary of its excessive usage. But, checking one’s email daily is almost a customary action.
Every user on the Internet has at least one email account. This is the reason why every abled business in the world has an Email List. The well-established brands learned this ‘mantra’ a long time ago, and that’s why thousands of dollars are spent on social media campaigns to get people to sign up for their email lists.
Email Marketing is easily the ultimate longstanding investment with a higher return because of its economic value and extensive usage.
Is there a secret to a Great Marketing Campaign? Yes, i.e. A Great Email List!
Best campaigns require the best email lists. Hence, owning a targeted email list is the numero uno preference for all businesses. Even an excellent campaign, with vivid design, appealing copies, and unique value propositions can fall short if your list isn’t in order. Therefore, a standard email list should project the following priorities:
- Quality: Authentic information from concrete (potential) customers.
- Relevance: Genuinely interested in your brand.
- Volume: Once the first two are covered, go for quantity.
Do People Still Buy Email Lists?
In simple, straightforward words – Yes, they do!
The most basic motive of an Email List is to create dependable and constant means of communication with your interested customers. Simple!
Email Lists will undoubtedly rank above your social media platforms with regards to potential and ROI. Having actual control over social media is negligible, even though your clients might be heavily involved in it. However, with an Email List, you are provided with a direct link to a person’s inbox, and a momentary opportunity to grab their attention.
But is it a good fit for your industry? OR Will an email list work for your business?
Expanding your business, commencing it, and taking it to the next level is a Herculean task. A quick and effortless way to generate income and ROI is by buying an Email List. Your email list is probably your third most crucial marketing asset. ‘You’ are primary. ‘Your site’ is secondary.
The compilation of an authentic email list requires a lot of research. There are many Email Database suppliers that will assure maximal delivery rate but in reality, the email goes to the Spam box.
To counter this situation, you can opt for LAKE B2B as the valid and verified Email List Provider, as apart from having high positive reviews; we also upgrade and update each database on regular basis at an affordable price bracket.
Being a pioneer and leader in the field of Email Data, here is how LAKE B2B helps you grow your business, via its curated Email List Database:
- Cost-Effective: Our mailing list is one of the most cost-effective means of growing your business.
- Connect with Target Markets: Our highly curated and targeted Email Lists allows you the rare and privileged opportunity to connect directly to your potential customers.
- Prospects and Clients: Email is a great way to display your field-specific knowledge you have gained. If your market does not perceive your service/brand, they are unlikely to work with you. Take advantage of our formulated strategies to reach Total Addressable Markets.
To conclude, a Mailing List is a mode of communication between (prospect) customers and you. Email Lists are an integral component of Email Marketing to establish and generate awareness about your brand.
You are 6x more likely to get higher click-through rates via emails instead of tweets. Also, email is 40 times more effective at acquiring new customers than Facebook or Twitter.
In short, Email Marketing is an ever primary potent in the field of Marketing.