Event Marketing Services

Expand your reach, connect with the right target audience globally

One of the biggest mistakes made by event marketers is failing to ramp up their promotional efforts in a timely manner. Keep yourself, your team, and your subscribers on track with regular email marketing newsletters and updates. Don’t tire your audience out before the big event but find a frequency and design method that your readers will respond to. Make every update count and never send to a contact unless the content enhances their enjoyment of the event to come.

We have a robust and proficient team that provides you 360 degree event marketing services. From a silent intimate event to a huge scintillating gathering, we provide services as an exhibitor and an event marketer. We ensure that you meet the audience your business seeks. Generation of interest, conversion of leads to prospects, and ROI are the primary goals when we design our event marketing service offerings.


Multimedia, such as mobile marketing, live casting and podcasting, photo, video and file sharing, can spread the word about your event and help build awareness with a powerful impact. This particular type of social media also has the ability to go viral quickly. Explore methods to communicate mass marketing messages through the device of your choice with LakeB2B. You would surely not be disappointed. We have a team of specialized and proficient people working across industry verticals. We identify the trends and customize the multimedia-based event marketing services accordingly to bring about a real connect with your audience.

Email Marketing


To leverage multiple communication channels in order to promote an event and to get an event to serve multiple marketing and business objectives, going digital is certainly the option. We optimize your website or blog in a way that allows people to easily pass the information along to others. We not only help in creating content that will demonstrate insights (keyword specific) and promote the event on sites but also build an image online by posting contributed articles to industry web sites and pitching. We ensure the reach and influence of the internet, which works wonders for building awareness around your event.

Social Share

Success gap is widening between businesses that use social media in an informal, ad hoc manner and those taking a more planned, strategic approach. With numerous social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram etc., not only the way we share information has changed but also the effectiveness varies according to the forum. With integration playing a key role in communication, we know what is right for your event. We garner the expertise to enable you to share your content effectively on the right social networks.


Whether it’s from an email or a pop-up advertisement, the content that leads a user to learn more about your event should transition smoothly onto your landing page. A landing page that reflects the exact message at an affordable cost is what we specialize in. Instilling the curiosity in people’s minds and channelizing it to result in the publicity of your event is how we do our work!

We help you in eliminating distractions which is by far one of the main reasons event marketers choose to set up a landing page on a subdomain. This can be easily done and acts like having a separate website. We make sure your landing page is designed with minimal distractions and keeps the user focused on the event.

In many ways, a good landing page is similar to a good email message. It gives your readers important details as quickly as possible by placing the most important elements above the fold.


The evolution of technology has changed the style of event marketing beyond conventional tactics such as passing out brochures to techniques that are more creative and far more effective. We enjoy the luxury of promoting our events in ways that were not available to the businesses and organizations of yesteryear. The ever-evolving digital channel has opened up a world of effective possibilities like Videos, which have proven to catch attention of an individual more than the traditional media.

With travel budget constraints and stringent schedules, enterprises need to find new ways to add more value to events and ensure higher attendance and attendee retention. With LakeB2B’s video-enabled marketing services, it’s easy to generate more excitement for your next event by distributing agendas, speaker bios, event invitations and more in the form of dynamic video presentations.

With services ranging from pre-event, during the course of the event and post event durations, we ensure that we capture the relevant eyeballs for your event. We not only assist you in making the information entertaining but also aid in increasing the client base.

Other offline media

We recognize the importance of offline media as well in event marketing. With technology hiccups at times, it is important that the message is sent across. Our offline event marketing services include:

Designing collaterals
Press release creation
Booth design
Discount and incentive scheme design
Trade show assistance
Newsletter creation

Public relations

Thinking how to elevate your event to the next level? Business is incomplete without its consumers. Being in the news for successes and not being able to pass the information across is a daily challenge many professionals face. We strike the right chords of the consumer with daily news feeds and help you maintain a favorable image with your audience. Our team of PR professionals would assist you and the results will speak for themselves.


The frequency of your resources like blog posts can really speak volumes about how much does the company care about its consumers and the event. With an expertise in writing for various verticals from real estate to healthcare, we have a full-fledged content team which engages the consumer specific to the event or even in general, keeps the consumer updated about your organization. Our writers specialize in creating resources like case studies, invites, email pitches, whitepapers, press releases, video-based content, blogs, and many more.


Every business model aspires to attain mobility in the present day situation. With increased users in the mobile interface, it is extremely important to have your messages customized to suit the mobile audience. We have a dedicated design team which ensures a smooth integration across the interface and yet retains the effectiveness of your event marketing messages.

Social media

Social media can play a huge role in making your event a success, but caution must be exercised when working this channel. People do not like to be sold to, and this is more evident than ever in the social arena. You don’t want to appear as overly aggressive or too self-promotional? Let us assist you in highlighting the right aspects of your event. We will help you to share information about your event with your target audience and you will see the results speaking for themselves.

You can reach us at : (800) 710 – 5516 or

Email Us at info@lakeb2b.com