USA Database

Choose The Most Comprehensive Dataset of Companies and Decision Makers From The USA Your journey towards knowing your USA customers like never before begins here.

*last updated : December 23, 2024
Countries Covered
Industry Expertise
Verified Database
Delivery Guaranteed

Leverage Industry’s Best USA Leads Database and Email Lists

We know your chief business goal is to maximize ROIs at minimal costs, and that is exactly our specialized offering. How do we do it? With a foolproof database of USA professional leads data, of course; however, there’s more to it. The data-driven marketing experts of LakeB2B aim at drawing out insights about your potential and existing customers’ buying intent. It’s almost like being able to read somebody’s mind and predict their forthcoming moves. By narrowing down your TAM based on these insights, you can make prudent investments.

Our data is collected from 100% genuine and legal sources such as yellow pages, public and government directories, business directories, and the likes. Besides demographic and firmographic data, we also offer technographic insights for successful tech marketing. Where our niche targeting practices give you a clear idea of who your target audience is, our carefully compiled B2B databases of USA data let you know where exactly they are and how you can best reach out to them.

List of USA Based Organizations by States

Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
California Colorado Connecticut Delaware
Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho
Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas
Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland
Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi
Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada
New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma
Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina
South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah
Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia

Find the List of USA based organizations and business owners with accurate contact details.

USA Direct Contacts

USA Companies Database

USA Verified Phone Numbers

USA Office Fax Numbers

USA Verified Websites

USA Verified Mailing Addresses

USA State Categorized Job

Unique State Wise NAICS Codes

Looking to target companies across the US? Our actively-managed USA B2B professional database will help you target high-concentration areas with dynamic marketing strategies unique to each audience. Use geo-location as your marketing weapon!

  • Send out hyper-personalized multi-channel campaigns
  • Limitless usage
  • Easy-to-use file formats – .csv and .xls
  • Easy CRM-integration

Here’s Why Industry Leaders Rely on Our USA Database

Impeccable Accuracy: LakeB2B has a dedicated team of about 800 members involved exclusively in data collection and verification. To ensure your database is free from any errors, duplicities, potential spam traps, and missing fields, these experts carry out a 7-step data collection and verification process. Over 12 million emails a month are sent for data verification and over 1.8 million phone calls are made for the same. Records validated in the past 120 days are only included. The resulting database is 100% accurate.

Get a USA Customer Dataset and Rich Insights into
Top USA Leads

Enhance the understanding of your customer base by investing in our top USA business email lists. With our database of your USA geography business prospects, we offer a wide variety of US functional databases that can help you convert leads into actual sales. Our database covers industry leaders and decision-makers from USA based Doctors to Attorneys, Company IT decision-makers to manufacturers and retailers, you will find your top leads, With such a niche database, you can rest assured of contacting all US leads within a given radius, city, state, and pin code.

USA Customer Dataset by Industries

  • Employees
  • Revenue
  • Industry
  • SIC Code
  • NAICS Code
  • Social Media Handles
  • Company Rank
  • Investors, Spends
  • Acquisitions
  • Top Competitors
  • IP Address
  • CRM used
  • ERP used
  • Ecommerce
  • SSL Certification

Turn Your Data into Customer Intelligence. Get the Ball Rolling

  • Convert anonymous web traffic into customer profiles
  • Narrow down your TAM and reach out to ideal accounts
  • Go beyond contact details; know your audience’s purchase intents
  • Direct your investments to the most lucrative markets