How an Electronics global distributor of semiconductors and electronic components created brand awareness and raked in online customers after Covid-19

Industry: Fleet Management Software

Location: Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

Challenge: The client wanted to generate leads and provide product & brand awareness

Solution: Multi-channel campaign outreach to generate awareness and ensure reach across various geo-locations.

About the client

The client creates next-gen technology to improve the profitability of carriers through edge computing telematics, Ai powered video safety solutions, and Live Supply Chain visibility. Their patented fuel optimization services create drastically lower operating expenses by filling empty miles and lowering the cost of fuel.


  • The client was unable to generate quality leads.
  • Their data repository was outdated and was barely giving them any results.
  • They were unable to expand their reach as they had limited insights into new geo-locations they can reach out to.
  • The customer communication was limited to sales, but the client was looking to share product insights with clients and prospects and boost brand awareness.

The Solution:

  • To gain in-depth insights into the current strengths, challenges, opportunities, and threats, we met with the senior leadership team and one of the client’s top customers.
  • This was followed by a data cleansing and data enrichment exercise. The ratio was outdated data was above 80%.
  • Data enrichment included optimizing their data repository for geo-specific data, behavioral insights, and profile-based data of Fleet Managers, Fleet Directors, Truck Drivers, and Safety Compliance Managers.
  • Multi-channel campaigns with hyper-personalized content through different templates & attractive subject lines were created to ensure optimal engagement, reach, and awareness.

The Results:

  • The campaigns were phased-out based on the new geo-locations added to the data repository.
  • The click-through rate was 10.35% and the click-through open rate was 83.33%.
  • 11 high propensity leads received from the very first campaign.
  • The lead quality was remarkable and the campaign engagement was nothing like what they had experienced previously.
  • Initially, the client had planned a 3-month engagement but considering how the campaigns helped them boost awareness and increased engagement, the client has extended the campaigns to 9 months additionally.

Client Testimonial:

Considering how niche our offering is, we were doubtful about any traction from a digital outreach. Creating brand awareness and garnering the right clients were our top concerns. With Span Global Services we’ve been able to achieve good results from the very first campaign. We have now planned a year-long engagement with some really innovative strategies planned by the experts at Span Global Services. We are very happy with the results and are totally geared for the journey ahead.

– Joseph Lawrence, Senior Marketing Manager

Solution Advantage

ROI Advantage


Increase in Campaign Engagement


Decrease in Campaign Spend


Increase in Lead Ratio
