
Companies Using SAP


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Some of the companies that use SAP includes 3M, 7-Eleven Inc, Bobst, DuPont, Johnson & Johnson and many more.

Promote your products and services with the authentic SAP Clients List provided by Span Global Services and stand out from the crowd. We offer highly-responsive SAP Customer List to enhance your marketing efforts so that you can roll out engaging campaigns. Our email list of SAP users comes with the guarantee of 95% deliverability through multi-channel marketing and gives maximum return on campaign investment. Therefore, do not get laid back and procure the right services. Increase of your sales will be guaranteed if you take your campaign efforts to the right direction.

SAP is by far one of the most in-demand enterprise software solution providers across the world. As a result of their worldwide brand reputation and vast client base, many marketers want to expand their market by targeting their client base. So your targeted decision makers in Companies that use SAP Technologies are prime targets for many other marketers from different geographies. You really need to be smart with your action plans if you want to stand out from your competitors.

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Benefits of Procuring Span Global Services’ SAP Users List

  • 200+ unique data attributes
  • 100% Data Refresh Every Quarter
  • Worldwide outreach with data from US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, and other countries
  • Fresh and active data verified quarterly with SMTP & NCOA protocols
  • All-inclusive data to facilitate multi-channel & cross-channel marketing.
  • Customized lists based on user’s need
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Companies Using SAP, Segregated by Top Countries,
Top Industries & Other Details

We have data about 118,784 companies that use SAP

Company Name Website Headquarters Industry Revenue Employees
3M 3m.com Minnesota, US Specialty Industrial Machinery $32 Billion 90316
7-Eleven, Inc 7-eleven.com Texas, US Retail $10 Billion 50,000
Bobst bobst.com Switzerland Machinery $1 Billion 5,555
DuPont dupont.com Wilmington, US Mechanical or Industrial Engineering $20 Billion 34,000
Johnson & Johnson jnj.com New Brunswick, US Hospital & Health Care $82 Billion 1,34,500
Lorven Technologies lorventech.com Plainsboro, US IT & Services $10 Million 33

Top Countries that use SAP

Top Industries that use SAP

List Utility Email Campaigns, Demand Generation, Social Outreach, Tele Marketing, Direct Mail
List Delivery Guarantee 90%+ for Direct mails, 85%+ for Tele-contacts and 65% to 75%+ for emails
Available Formats XLS, Text, CSV, TSV
Turn Around Time (TAT) 7-8 Business Days
Data Sources Trade Fairs & Trade Show Organizers, Opt-in Email Addresses, Leading Journals, Business Directories, Content Creators, Yellow Pages and more
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Frequently asked questions

SAP is an ERP solutions software for managing business processes to facilitate effective data processing and flow of information across enterprises. It works as a centralized data management system with a single view of business functions. It is one of the most popular ERP software due to which there are many companies using SAP all over the world.

SAP is used by more than 425,000 customers worldwide.

Some of the companies that use SAP are: 3M, 7-Eleven Inc., Bobst, DuPont, Johnson & Johnson, and Lorven Technologies, based all across the globe.

The top 10 countries using SAP the most are: United States (2,397), United Kingdom (914), India (820), Brazil (512), Germany (406), Spain (334), Canada (331), Australia (310), France (241), and South Africa (166).

The industries that use SAP the most are: Manufacturing (2,983), Technical (2,487), Retail (848), Professional Services (787), Construction (698), Automotive (666), and Healthcare (647).

Span Global Services guarantees a comprehensive, accurate, and updated list of SAP customers. Currently, we have the data of 118,784 companies that use SAP segregated country-wise and industry-wise. With our list, you can contact directors, managers, C-level executives, business analysts, and consultants.

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