Our List collection and verification process is unique and not as of any other list compilers. Because, each of the lists we source is owned by distinct list owners and followed by triple verification process by email, phone and social media. As such, each set comes with different guarantees.
Alongside, fresh data also degrades as much as 6% a month due to businesses breakdown with the rate of changes accelerating over time. We take modern figures to revive that data being “updated consistently.”
Span Global Services invites you to become our reseller and use our large B2B repository to offer niche data to your customers. As our reseller, you can do more business with 42 million business contacts, and provide professional Data-Driven Marketing solutions to your customers.
This winning opportunity from Span Global Services is open to any business which is willing to collaborate and grow. With a high margin and a low entry cost, we make it easy for you to become our reseller.
We have got you covered on all your email
and direct marketing needs