Customize Your Marketing Campaigns to Target Your Most Valued Clients and Customers

While mass marketing campaigns may or may not work. With Account-Based Marketing(ABM), you are sure to increase your conversion and retention rates. Moreover, measuring the performance of mass marketing campaigns is difficult, but with Key Account Marketing services from Span Global Services, you can easily track the performance of your marketing campaigns.

Span Global Services offers Account-Based Marketing services to help you target specific accounts. You will be able to prioritize clients based on the value they add. You can interact with these VIP or high-yielding clients and engage with them on social media and email to establish a personal connection and win their loyalty.

Our Key Account Marketing services will also win you new accounts by connecting you to professionals and decision-makers involved in making important purchase decisions. With detailed contact information about these prospects, you can devise marketing campaigns across different channels like email, direct mail, social media, telemarketing, and event marketing to target them and win them over.

Key Accounting Marketing Services

With Account-Based Marketing, Your Marketing and Sales Can Come Together to Acquire New Customers and Retain Old and Valued Accounts

Account-Based Marketing services from Span Global Services will help your marketing and sales teams come together to plan and execute personalized marketing campaigns to target specific accounts. With better targeting, you will also be able to shorten your salescycle. That will not only increase the marketing ROI but will enable you to do so at affordable costs. Could there be anything better!

Mailing List Solutions from Span Global Services Will Take Your Account-Based Marketing Strategies to the Next Level

Using Span Global Services’ account-based marketing services, you can find comprehensive information about your identified target audience. With detailed information about key clients, you can craft personalized marketing messages that they will respond to. You can then deliver these messages to them on their preferred channels of communication.

Our database is updated regularly to remove any redundancies and any obsolete data. As a result, our mailing lists guarantee 95% deliverability and 100% accuracy. You will not find any errors or empty data fields while using our mailing lists. These lists will aid you in your Key Account Marketing efforts and make sure you do not miss any opportunities because of outdated or inaccurate data.

Together with data appending and data enrichment services, Span Global Services is the one-stop-shop for all your data solutions needs. For higher returns on marketing investment, get in touch with us today!

Account Based Marketing Services

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