A Leading ATS Software Provider Saw 18% Improvement In New Sales Pipeline Growth Within the First Two Months Of Lead-Generation Outsourcing

Enabled By Span Global Services Lead Generation Outsourcing. Targeting Banking Industry’s Top Decision Makers.

Industry: Digital Banking
Audience Targenting Location: Singapore, South East Asia, North America and India
Client Objective: Reaching out to Banks with assets worth – Up to 200 BN.
Solution: Span Global’s human-verified database with accurate customer records for successful email campaigns.

Span Global Provided the Client With the Following

  • Contact Intelligence of Titles: CIO, CTO, CEO, Chief Digital Officer, Chief Innovation Officer.
  • Installbase Counts: Banks, Core Banking Platform Insights, Digital Banking Platform Insights of Banks, Technology Providers and Lead Contacts.

Value Added Fields Sought By the Client

Company NameWeb addressContact Name
TitleMailing AddressPhone
Direct DialFaxEmployee Size
Revenue SizeSIC codesIndustry Description
Email AddressLinkedIn URLCore Banking Platforms
Digital Banking Platforms & Asset Size

About the client

The client is a leading innovator and digital banking technology company that is helping established banks to transform with new-age digital technology and new experience offerings for their banking customers. They were playing a key role in transforming challenger, neo banks and FinTech Startups to scale and differentiate.

They wanted to target decision makers from large asset size banking players who wanted to launch experiences that bring banking at part with Netflix like experiences, helping banks activate marketplace integrations with APIs while ensuring security and compliance with local laws.

Client Specialities: Take a look at the type of banking sector decision maker profiles and target specializations they did not want to miss.

Banking technologiesFinancial ServicesDigital Banking
Omni-Channel BankingDigital TransformationCore Banking
Open BankingE-BankingMobile Banking
E-WalletsNeo BankingBanking Ecommerce

Lead Generation hurdles faced by the client

The client wanted to run email marketing campaigns to get their target audiences to register for technology demos and attend topical webinars. Their audience targeting was a key hurdle in this process as their marketing team was randomly mailing to a database of email list purchased from another vendor.

Unable to reach the desired audiences

The email campaigns were basically mass targeted with the hope of getting opened and noticed. The open rates were appalling as the mails were reaching a wrong set of banking executives who were not from the technology domain. The intended communication was regarding digital banking and transformation whereas a large chunk of the the audiences targeted were from retail banking, commercial banking and marketing channels.

The bounce rates were also high and the team was grappling with a situation that warranted attention with respect to

  • Accurate Banking Technology Lead Contact Intelligence
  • Accurate Banking Tech Audience Segmentation
  • Banking Technology Users’ LinkedIn IDs
  • Assured Email Deliverability to Digital Banking Decision Makers
  • Reaching Bank’s CTOs, CEOs and Tech Influencers
  • Emerging as a Digital Transformation Partner of Choice

Lead Generation Outsourcing: The Go-To-Solution For Engaging Digital Banking Leads

Made Possible With An End-To-End Solution That Involved Website Visitor Tracking, E-mail Campaign Set Up And Audience Nurturing And Finally Lead Scoring By Tele Calling Market Qualified Leads – Handing Them Over To Sales With Webinar Registrations.

Website visitor tracking was enabled to track those digital banking decision makers who engaged with any digital banking specific product landing page.

A dedicated email campaign team segmented the audiences as per their influences and ran nurture campaigns with the targets.

All the targets who engaged were placed in a different journey funnel to nurture them towards webinar registrations and sales qualification.

Those who interacted but required a further engagement were provided with more whitepapers, videos, case studies, etc.

Why Digital marketing alone won’t make the cut

You Need Lead Data To Ensure Valuable Marketing Dollars Are Not Wasted Blindly. For any digital marketing plan to work, we need leads data to act as a compass. Without this lead data compass your digital marketing budgets will not be able to navigate the needs of different buyer personas. Because there is no one size fits all, assuming one single overarching communication will give you the desired results is the fallacy we want to emphasize here. We ensured the client marketing teams have access to the right lead data – putting a face on every audience segment and dictating where the campaign goes and when. Our approach has ensured digital banking customer lead data gives a value-driven and personalized experience. Ensuring the communication no matter delivered from which channel has the right timing and relevance for tech customers. Extending a more personalized experience to every qualified lead and new potential customer by knowing their needs.

The client was happy to realize that their marketing budgets have been optimized with the ROI touching almost 240% in a month.

Because the right audiences were shown relevant case studies, the client’s webinar registration and demo walk-ins jumped by 200%.

Their digital marketing plans and budgets were not only geo-targeted but audience focused – creating similar audience on LinkedIn and Lookalike Audience profiles on Facebook.

The client’s target audience interest targeting and keyword identification led to an overall growth in relevant traffic to website and landing page – 350% growth in one month.